Chanwoo’s Weekly Tech

  • How to Protect Yourself from Camera and Microphone Hacking

    June 23, 2019 by

    There have long since been rumors of possible camera and microphone hacking opportunities on Apple devices, leading Apple to disable the Walkie Talkie audio chat feature in Apple – a vulnerability in apple’s system. The video and audio chatting app Zoom also experienced a flaw in its system where users who deleted the app could… Read more

  • Bulgaria Detains Cybersecurity Employee Tax Data Hacking

    June 16, 2019 by

    A 20-year-old Bulgarian employee of a cybersecurity company has been detained as a suspect who is allegedly behind the hacking of the national revenue agency, an attack that impacted 5 million out of the 7 million population in Bulgaria through the leakage of both personal and corporate data. Prime Minister Boyko Borissov later revealed that… Read more

  • Microsoft has Warned 10,000 Victims of State-sponsored Hacking

    June 16, 2019 by

    Microsoft has revealed that there have been 10,000 victims, mostly enterprise customers, that were either targeted or compromised by hackers working for a foreign government. This incident demonstrates the significant extent to which nation-states continue to rely on cyberattacks as a method for gaining information, insight, etc. So far, there have been 781 notifications through… Read more

  • Hackers are Stealing Years of Call Records from Hacked Cell Networks

    June 9, 2019 by

    Boston-based company Cybereason discovered a breach in multiple phone provider networks, which was carried out by an unknown group of hackers who have been conducting targeted surveillance on individuals on interest for seven years, having hacked ten call networks globally in order to obtain massive amounts of call records – time, date, and location –… Read more

  • Better Cybersecurity Even in Harsh Environments

    May 19, 2019 by

    Keeping personal and sensitive data safe and secure is of crucial importance. Unfortunately, many – if not most – people don’t realize this until it’s too late. But when it comes to data protection, the ones who need to worry about it the most are military personnel – not only could the military lose enormous… Read more

  • Keeping Data Private With AI

    May 12, 2019 by

    Artificial intelligence (AI) usually takes advantage of machine learning, a field of computer science that enables computers to think and learn similarly to humans – based on examples, without programming. So what if we combined the power of AI with data safety? A team of researchers at the University of Helsinki, Finland, has recently done… Read more

  • Fooling Speaking Recognition Systems Is Not as Hard as It Sounds

    May 5, 2019 by

    Applications that function with voice commands are becoming increasingly popular. Nowadays, pretty much every new smartphone has at least one application that functions using audio signals – users dictate messages, translate words and phrases, do search queries and many other things using only their voice, which explains their popularity. However, although they may appear quite… Read more

  • Coming Soon: The Ultimate, Atomically Thin Defense Against Hackers

    April 28, 2019 by

    Researchers at New York University Tandon School of Engineering have developed a new technology that could become the next generation of electronic hardware security. The new tech is a novel class of unclonable cybersecurity primitives made of nanomaterial that possesses the highest ability of structural randomness.The new technology represents the first proof of complete spatial… Read more

  • New Study Shows Websites Track User Activity, Ignoring Privacy Settings

    April 21, 2019 by

    It’s no secret that many websites monitor user activity, their browsing history, and their preferences. This is done so that companies can target their audience and create tailored advertisements. But did you know that some websites also track a user’s mouse movements and their input into a web form even before it’s submitted? According to… Read more

  • Browsers: Privacy and Security Risks

    April 7, 2019 by

    Nowadays, many websites provide a broad range of features, with capabilities being added every day. But new research shows that numerous browser functionalities are rarely used or even needed by websites; however, they pose significant privacy and security risks to users.A team of researchers at the University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC), has shown that many… Read more

  • New Device Improves Wireless Signal Strength and Security

    March 31, 2019 by

    Researchers led by a team from Dartmouth College have developed an inexpensive device that could finally solve the problem of improving wireless signal strength for indoor spaces with multiple rooms. The same device also greatly improves wireless security.As Xia Zhou, who is an assistant professor of computer science at Dartmouth College explains, this single solution… Read more

  • Email Security: Small Words Reveal Identity

    March 24, 2019 by

    According to new research conducted by Nottingham Trent University, it’s possible to identify the author of an email by analyzing small sequences of words they use. In fact, by analyzing as little as two words, you could reveal the person’s identity.In a new research, Dr. David Wright, who is an expert in forensic linguistics, examined… Read more

  • VibWrite: New Finger Vibration-Based Security System

    March 17, 2019 by

    Engineers at the Rutgers University have created a new security system that uses finger vibrations to verify users. The technology, called VibWrite, is a low-cost security system that could be used to gain access to anything with a solid surface, including access to homes, apartment buildings, appliances, and cars.As Yingying (Jennifer) Chen, a professor in… Read more

  • Boosting Security of Voice-Based Log-Ins with Wearables

    March 10, 2019 by

    Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a wearable that could eliminate vulnerabilities in voice authentication and therefore boost the security of voice-based log-ins.Today, when talking to electronics has become perfectly normal and even essential in the Internet of Things world, it’s more important than ever to stay safe. Through our spoken interactions we… Read more

  • Research Shows Digital Services Collect Unnecessary Personal Data

    March 3, 2019 by

    Recently, at an international conference about digital identities at Karlstad University, scientists have presented research about methods digital services use to collect personal data about users that may encroach their privacy.The research showed that digital services that require users to log in with a personal account often collect more than users are aware of and… Read more

  • How Hospitals Can Combat Ransomware

    February 24, 2019 by

    f you thought that hacking personal computers, companies, and banks is awful, wait ‘till you hear about the hospitals. Hackers who hold a hospital’s computer system hostage as they did in the recent WannaCry attack, know that lives are on the line. Patients can suffer severe health effects when a hospital’s system is held hostage,… Read more

  • New Biometric Tool Advances Computer Security

    February 17, 2019 by

    It may seem like we’re moving away from logins and complex passwords and are going towards fingerprint and retinal identification, but in fact, we’re already over that! Thanks to a team of researchers at the University of Buffalo (UB), we’re now moving towards heart scan computer identifications.The UB team has developed a new computer security… Read more

  • How to Protect Internet Security Against Quantum Computers

    February 10, 2019 by

    According to experts, in just eight years quantum computers will be among us, and then, our world will change. Yes, quantum computers will help us solve many problems much faster than ever before, they will also be useful for developing advanced medicine and for calculating super-accurate weather forecasts, but they will also quite possibly destroy… Read more

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